Stuff Happiness Is Made Of

Monday, September 04, 2006

Strawberry Mango Cake

Yet another 21st birthday and I baked a cake. After careful consultation with the birthday boy, he concluded he wanted a mango cake. It's interesting - half the guys I know say they would love to have a mango cake for their birthday. Must be in the male genes.

I know - where are the mangoes???. The mango is inside the cake - sandwiched between two thick layers of whipped cream sweetened with icing sugar. The strawberries are basically dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts. Oh, and I used cream cheese icing.

Cake in all it's glory and candles

Turned out quite well. Only gripe I had was that the cake wasn't moist enough. Also, didn't have much time and frantically used a fork to swipe random patterns at the side. Shall not do things last minute in the future.


Sunday, September 03, 2006


So there's been like 2 weeks of silence from me. That's because:

1. I got sick and couldn't be bothered to cook daily. It was just too much effort.
2. I had a whole load of personal problems at one go and had to deal with it.

The good news is, I'm back. I baked a birthday cake for my friend's 21st which is happily resting in the fridge now. Haven't taken photos but I will tomorrow and put it up.

I've also been baking the flourless peanut butter cookies periodically. They're so addictive I can't stop baking them.

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